"Writing caresses the spirit with emotional depth and creative fire."
Amy S. Pacini
Welcome to A.S.P. INK, the creative portal for adventurously seeking possibilities. My name is Amy Pacini and I am a creative and freelance writer who thrives on the power of aesthetic expression. Ever since I can remember, writing has played a significant role in my life, carrying me through various stages from trials and tragedy to happiness and success. From childhood through adulthood, I have found solace and contentment in writing, whether it be composing letters, writing stories, poetry or journaling. It has always been exhilarating for me to express my inner thoughts and emotions on the written page. My passion for writing has shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to do so in the future.
I believe that we are all intrinsically creative and that if we delve deep enough, we will unveil the artistic fervor which burns within our passionate souls. My desire is to help other writers develop confidence in themselves, to recognize the breadth of their talents and fulfill their dreams.
As a freelance writer, I offer a vast array of writing and editing services including editing, proofreading, newsletters, and resume writing. Please click on Services for more information.
I enjoy creative writing in many genres including poetry, short stories, essays and motivational quotes. As you browse through my web site, you will find that many of the genres are divided into themes such as friendship, love, nature, and self discovery. Within each theme is a series of works which have been written to express personal thoughts and experiences, while others are fictionalized and written from the imagination. Please feel free to click on any theme to unravel the mysteries behind each piece. You may even find a glimmer of yourself in them.
Over the years, my writing has been influenced by such authors as Nicholas Sparks, Kristin Hannah, Luanne Rice, and Charlotte Vale Allen. My poetic works are continually inspired by renowned poets such as Christina Rossetti, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Robert Frost, Amy Lowell, May Sarton, and Mattie Stepanek.
May you passionately quench your creative thirst by blissfully traveling the written path of A.S.P. INK.
Amy S. Pacini