As a brisk wind chills the air, I look out the window to see tiny white snowflakes bedeck the once green lawn with its frosty particles. Before I know it, the streets are covered with pristine snow. Children are covered from head to toe protecting their small warm bodies from the cold. They instantly create snowmen from scratch and flutter about on the soft surface to make snow angels.
If you listen closely, you will hear the distant jingle of silver bells as a young couple approaches in a horse-drawn sleigh. The days have become shorter while the nights grow longer. The stores are crowded with anxious shoppers as people hustle down the city streets carrying large parcels in their arms, ready to be gift-wrapped and placed safely under the Christmas tree.
Eager children wait in line with to visit Santa Claus with their long lists of toy requests. Christmas Carolers patrol the streets singing sonorous songs of holiday cheer. Children rehearse endlessly for school pageants while families gather together for church celebrations. Candles are lit in the windows of homes to greet neighbors who stop by for a social call.
An evergreen wreath with holly berries hangs on the front door permeating its woodland aroma throughout the house. Hundreds of colorful lights are strung around the Christmas tree. Each branch is adorned with strands of silver tinsel, popcorn, glass balls, and delicate ornaments. A precious angel sits at the top of the tree watching over all who abide here.
Myriad Christmas cards are exhibited on the mantle from loves ones and friends expressing their holiday cheer. The stockings are hung from the brick fireplace waiting to be filled with special and unique gifts. A manger scene is displayed atop the antique wooden table where an illuminated Baby Jesus appears lying in a manger. Next to the manger, stands an Advent Calendar ready for tiny hands to open each miniature hidden door to reveal a biblical treasure.
In the kitchen, Mother is baking cutout sugar cookies shaped like trees, stars and snowman, ready to be sprinkled, frosted and devoured by ravenous children. When Christmas Day arrives, joyful tots race toward their stockings to find candy canes, chocolate Santas and other exciting goodies.
Under the Christmas tree, sits a doll for Sister and a bicycle for Brother, a chenille bathrobe for Mother, and a tool set for Father.
After unwrapping our bountiful gifts, we sit down for a holiday turkey dinner with all the trimmings. For dessert, we make room for Plum Pudding and Pumpkin Pie.
As evening darkness approaches, we huddle by the blazing fireplace filled with love and merriment, roasting chestnuts and singing favorite Christmas Carols.
Finally, when all becomes silent, we head off to bed for a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the days festivities, and yearning to receive the yuletide spirit once again.
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Copyright 2008, Amy S. Pacini. All Rights Reserved.